
F2023 Presentation

Toronto Metropolitan University University

Part 2: Oral Presentation

Due: T.B.A.


During the last week of classes, you will each be giving an oral presentation of the paper you have chosen as your Presentation Topic as well as the results from your supporting litterature.

In your presentations, you will be expected to cover 3 main areas related to the paper you are presenting:

  • The background for this paper: what was the state of this particular field or technology before the research that led to this paper (and possibly to the technology or products described in the paper) and what were some of the open questions in this particular field, or what problems were being experienced that led to this advance?
  • The paper itself: what are the results of this research, possibly including technologies developed as a result?
  • Impact of paper: what was the significance of these results and how have the field/research/technology evolved since the publication of this paper? Support your arguments with information gathered through a review of the citations for this paper.

Presentation Schedule

Here is the schedule of presentations, including the room where the presentations will take place. Each person will have a 15 minute slot during which they will present their paper and answer questions. Your presentation should be between 10 and 12 minutes with the remaining time used for questions. There will be 5 minutes between presentations to switch. You are expected to be present during the entire 3 hour period. As you will notice, no breaks are currently planned. If you need to take a break, please try not to disturb your colleagues during their presentations; i.e. please take your break during question periods and switches between presentations.

Presentation Technology

The room used will have presentation technology which will be set up for your use: just bring your presentation (in powerpoint or pdf format) on a USB key. Alternately, you can bring your own laptop and an adaptor to connect it to the podium's HDMI cable.

You will also have access to a white board.

Hand In and Grading

You do not need to hand in anything for this presentation. You will be graded on your oral presentation using the Oral Presentation marking scheme.

You will be graded by both the course instructor and other computer science professors. You will not be receiving your presentation grade straight away as these multiple grades will need to be combined into a single grade first.

This page is maintained by Sophie Quigley (cps613@cs.torontomu.ca)
Last modified Tuesday, 22-Aug-2023 00:32:14 EDT